Les « Z »

Vignerons de père en fils

For 5 generations now, our family has been dedicated to producing the best grapes possible, then magnifying this product into grand crus. Our approach and pride is to respect our land by working with limited yields, manual harvesting and drastic selection in the cellar. Our longevity and history drive us to constantly improve our working methods, while respecting the know-how and ancestral practices we hold so dear.

Since 2021, we started to work organically on almost 10 hectares of our lands making our company one of the largest organic wine producers in the whole Geneva lake area. We strongly feel that it is our duty to be pioneers in that way in Lavaux region.

Our story is closely link to Lavaux,let us tell you what's so special about this land.

Our Vineyards

Emotions of a land


We are proud to work in this sumptuous but no less capricious vineyard handed down to us by our ancestors. For us, “family” and “tradition” are not empty words. Let us tell you our story.

About Us